Youth Empowerment

The youth are the architects of tomorrow rssd education and yoga research India council focuses on empowering young minds through mentorship programs, skill-building workshops, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Women Empowerment

RSSD education and yoga research India council champion the cause of women empowerment by offering skill development programs, vocational training, and support for women entrepreneurs. By fostering independence, we contribute to the creation of a more equitable society.

Rural Empowerment

Keeping in mind the increasing unemployment in rural areas, to strengthen the rural areas economically by opening small scale industries and skill training centers and providing employment opportunities to youth and women by training them.

Environmental Help

Preserving our planet is a collective responsibility. Through awareness campaigns, tree planting drives, and sustainable practices, we contribute to environmental conservation. Our aim is to create a greener, healthier Earth for future generations.

Education Empowerment

Shiksha Pragati is the cornerstone of RSSD Education and Yoga Research India Council to enhance educational opportunities to young children equally through Early Childhood Play Schools and Adult Education Centers to adults. We break barriers and empower individuals to shape their destiny. Believe in the power of education to empower to give.

Health Empowerment

RSSD education and yoga research India council We work tirelessly to improve healthcare accessibility and provide medical assistance to those in need. From organizing health camps to supporting medical treatments, our initiatives are geared towards creating healthier communities.

Promotion Of Yoga and Ayurveda

Yoga and Ayurveda are two precious gems of India which no other country has. The organization helps the common people to stay healthy and get employment opportunities through the training of Yoga and Ayurveda.

Promote Organic Farming

These include contamination and deaths of domestic animals, loss of natural enemies of pests, pesticide resistance, declines in bees and pollination, damage to adjacent crops, loss of fisheries and birds, and contamination of groundwater. Soil fertility is affected by the death or damage of microorganisms due to pesticides. Therefore, to motivate farmers for organic farming by making them aware about the harm caused by pesticides used in crops.